Prices & Commission

LEI Prices

Prices for a new LEI and LEI renewal. Importing LEI(s) from another service provider is free of charge. 
Credit card, Debit card, UPI, Net Banking and Bank Transfer supported:


New LEI prices

1 year new3990.00 INR
2 year new7750.00 INR
3 year new10950.00 INR
4 year new14000.00 INR
5 year new16900.00 INR

Renew LEI prices

1 year renew4350.00 INR
2 year renew8340.00 INR
3 year renew11970.00 INR
4 year renew15000.00 INR
5 year renew16900.00 INR
*Prices shown are without GST. 18% GST applies under the GST regulations.

Commission Scheme

We pay the referral commission on a monthly basis per LEIs sold with referral link or with iFrame solution.

Commission scheme on a monthly volume basis (new and renewals are treated alike):

India referral commissions

1 Year LEI  - 800 INR
3 Year LEI  - 1600 INR
5 Year LEI  - 2500 INR

*Every new LEI registration is counted as one. 1*5 year LEI is treated as a single registration. 1*1 year LEI is also treated as a single registration.
*If the referred entity is already a client of LEI Register India, commission will not apply.

An example:

Monthly volume of  10 * 1 year LEI(s) + 10 * 3 year LEI(s) + 5 * 5 year LEI(s) =TOTAL 25 NEW registrations

In terms of money: 10 * 800 + 10 * 1600 + 5 * 2500 = Rs 36,500

To start earning referral bonuses, create an account, generate your unique referral link from "Referrals" tab and start referring customers to our website(s). If you have any questions regarding the referral scheme please feel free to contact  [email protected]